What could be more convenient than having our professional massage therapists come to you?




Chair Massages let you relax and rejuvenate when you only have a few minutes to spare.  We believe everyone should be able to take advantage of the wonderful therapeutic and stress-relieving benefits of massage therapy. It’s an ideal way to enhance performance, by reducing stress and alleviating aches and pains.

              Our therapists are available at convenient times and affordable prices.



Boost productivity by bringing HARMONY massage to your workplace!


Studies show that massage therapy in the workplace increases productivity and employee morale, it lowers the incidence of illness, and decreases absenteeism.

Plus, it’s a great benefit for your company to offer, keeping you competitive in employee recruitment and retention while helping keep healthcare costs at a minimum, all at a price any size business can afford. There are two options. First, you could make the service available to employees and let them pay for it, at a rate of just $1.00 per minute. Or, the second option is for your company to pay a portion or all of the cost through our Corporate Wellness Program.  Allowing our therapists to provide your employees regular treatment through chair massage is a perfect way to increase awareness and interest in better health and over-all wellness.

Breathe new life into your workplace by adding HARMONY chair massage today!